Sunday, March 20, 2005

This is good stuff. I got it from a Negro. You're probably high already and you don't even know it

Historically, I've always been a bandwagon jumper...but I'm also a tad bit slow (sort of in a Rain Man kind of way, and not just because I buy my underwear at K-Mart), so I tend to jump on the bandwagon after the trend has already jumped the shark. This would explain my 'Hammer' pants obsession in the summer of '95.

Blogging always kind of creeped me out. I thought it was just something that 'big-boned' men do late at night with 'Lord of the Ring' fans - chatting about girls they've never make eye contact with...but I decided for the first time that I wasn't going to simply judge something before actually checking it out. So I did, and you know what...not so creepy.

My greatest influence to start a blog has to be my friend, Bob of 'My Blog Is Poop'. Bobby's work has not only influenced me to start up a lil' blog myself, but his story should influence many people. Mr. My Blog is Poop is the typical guy topped with a Brillo Pad hairdo...but thanks to a great sense of humor showcased on his blog, Bob managed to snag a nice lil' piece of eye-candy for a girlfriend. (Yes, she is from Canada, but I have met her, she is not made up). This story alone should give hope to many out there who want to believe that a 'good sense of humor' can deliver hot chicks. You too, can stop talking about your ficticous Canadian girlfriend...all you need is a good sense of humor and a blog.

Of course I'm not looking for a woman...but who knows what I could achieve through my blog; a small cult following, world domination, or maybe it will just give me something else to do besides going to underage Asian web sites.

Now unlike most people who Blog, I have a job that requires work to be done, so I won't be posting every day...I'm sorry. But when I do, you can be assured that what I post will be the truth...unless of course I make it up.

"A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish."
~Ty Webb


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