Monday, March 21, 2005

This is between me and the vegetable!

Let this poor woman die, for crying out loud!! Could Republicans be any more fucking hypocritical? You have cockfuckers Delay and Frist running around talking about the "Culture of Life" and its all bullshit.

They're using this poor veggie for political gain, from the Associate Press:

"Time is not on Terri Schiavo's side," DeLay said. "The few remaining objecting House Democrats have so far cost Mrs.Schiavo two meals already today."

What a sick fuck! This is no different then that lil' Commie kid, Elian Gonzalez. The so-called "Family Values" party that thought it was more important that little Elian remain here in the states to enjoy a good long life as a dishwasher at Ruby Tuesday's instead of being with his father in Cuba where he would have been in the first place if his mother hadn't tried to cross 90-miles of water on a fucking raft.

Listen, I understand we're pissed at Castro, he went Commie on us, but a boy belongs with his father. One day Castro will meet his maker and we'll be able to return Cuba back to what it once was; an indigenous island filled with Vegas-style casinos where Elian Gonzalez will get a great job working the Texas Hold 'Em Pits for the visiting Mr & Mrs. Cornsuckers of Omaha.

But back to the Vegetable, I can understand why a mother or a father doesn't want to give up on their sucks for them. I can see how easily your emotions can blind you from the truth (and every doctor who says your daughter ain't coming back), but they lose all my pity when they bring in fucking anti-abortion loony Randall Terry of Operation Rescue to help 'save' their daughter, remember him? This is a freak who kicked his own son out of the house because he was gay.

Honestly, I'm excited that neo-fucks on the right have taken so much interests in health care of individuals in this country. Does this mean we can now get Hillary Clinton's Universal Health Care program going? Don't you think the life of the 40-million people who don't have health insurance in this country is just as important as Terry Schiavo's life?

I guess the first thing Congress can do is repeal the law Bush signed as Governor of Texas that states: hospitals have the right to remove life support if the patient could not pay and there was no hope of revival, regardless of the patient's family's wishes...It is called the Texas Futile Care Law.

Read all about it here and the story about the six-month old boy with a fatal congenital disease, who died when his feeding tube was removed over the objections of the baby's mother.

Sadly, this is just another example of cockfuckers in Congress who have decided it is the government's job to make all personal decisions for you. When they're not too busy trying to pass laws to keep gays from poking their poopers as a married couple, they find time to take away the rights of the spouse to decide the fate of their love one.

This is how the system is! It's called marriage! I can only imagine how many people are running to their love ones today and yelling, you better pull the fucking plug! But of course Congress doesn't give a shit about what the people say. Read the polls yourself at ABC News.

As long as this tragic event remains a media circus, they'll be happy because they can run back to their redneck states in the 2006 election and say, "Them Liberal-Elitist Democrats tried to starve a lil' lady to death."

I'm not much of a prayer, usually only when my team is down by three with seconds to go...but here goes nothing:

Dear God-
I know we don't chat much, I do apologize. But I hope you can find it in your soul to do me two little favors. First, take Terry Schiavo. I know you tried to take her thirteen years ago, but please take her now before this drags on anymore. The thought of her living it up in Heaven with J.C., Allah and Elvis is such a more enjoyable thought then her lying in bed, staring off into space with absolutely no brain function whatsoever. Secondly, can you please, please find it in your heart to allow some kind of accident that will make one or both cockfucker Delay and Frist legally brain-dead either in a car accident or heart attack while banging a underage, Cuban hooker...either way, you decide. Please make this happen, so the federal government will keep them alive for years and years and years.

If you do this, I promise I'll stop making fun of handicapped people.

Yo God, if all these Christians are so much into you, why are they so afraid to let people die and be with you; unless of course that person is either a retarded/fifteen-year-old minority criminal or a Iraqi child?

Farwell all...enjoy your Repbulican Talking Points


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