Saturday, March 26, 2005

Send in the Stormtroopers!!

You're not happy with the law?
Tired of 'activist' judges doing their jobs?
Don't agree with two-thirds of the country?
And you're the governor of a state, just send in the cops.

This is the proper action according to Nutsack John Gibson at Faux News.

"He (Jeb Bush) should think about telling his cops to fo over to Terri Schiavo's hospice, go inside, put her on a gurney and load her into an ambulance. They could take her to a hospital, revive her, and reattach her feeding tube."

Hey Cockfuck, is there anything else you might need? Not a big fan of abortion in Colorado, maybe you can suggest to the conservative governor to send some troops in, take the women into custody and hold them until they give birth.

Are you into Bush's plan for social security, but most of the country isn't with you? No problem, maybe Bush can send some federal agents to everyone's work, take them to the bank, force them to cash the check, take a chunk of it and invest it for them. They might not like it and it may not be legal, but fuck 'em, how do they know what's good for them?

Afraid Mexicans are going to enter the country and take your job? Let's shoot them. I know, I know, not legal...but laws are silly anyhow.

What about the gays? You're not a big fan of the gays. What if Bush sent troops to all gay bars, drag the people out and ship them to Canada.


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