Wednesday, March 23, 2005

God bless you, Florida! Thank you!

...Unless of course you're an right-wing columnist and you're talking about an ABC poll.

Today, some ring-wingers like Michelle Malkin and Mickey Kaus have raised doubts about ABC's Terri Schiavo poll. If you remember, the poll overwhelmingly showed that people supported the removal of the feeding tube.

However, they're claiming that the ABC poll was biased because "it deceptively tells pollees that Terri Schiavo is on "life support."

Of course, the last time I checked a feeding tube was life support because guess what happens when you remove the lose your life! But let's give them the benefit of the doubt on this one and assume that the pollees were dumbasses.

So what do you do now? Oh, I know...Let's look at other polls.

- 82% of respondents think that Congress and the President should not have gotten involved in the Schiavo case (When was the last time 82% percent of the people in this country agreed on something?)
- 76% of conservatives believe Congress and the President should have stayed out
- 72% of Republicans think Congress went too far this time
- 68% of White, Evangelical Christians are opposed to federal intervention into the case

- Six in ten people think the feeding tube should be removed
- Two-thirds believe that political leaders trying to keep Schiavo alive are more concerned with using her case for political advantage

Of course none of this will matter to the dozens of people who now spend their days camped out in front of Terri's Hospice. Personally, I could care less (Maybe they'll get skin cancer), but it takes a real sick fuck to involve your kids to the point where you get them arrested!


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