Wednesday, March 23, 2005

If you build it, he will come.


Let me be upfront with you, I hate Barry Bonds. He was on my fantasy baseball team last year, and I still hate him. If I had the choice of sitting in a room with Bonds for fifteen-minutes or having my crouched kicked by every Gramatica brother, as I yell, "Thank you sir may I have another," the foot to nuts would be a pleasure.

So it gives me great happiness to hear that Barry is 'frustrated' and he could be out for the whole season.

Barry Bonds is nothing but a steroid rubbing nut sack who has no business owning any record. I could care less if he passes Babe Ruth. The Babe's records mean little to me because they happened in an era when the closest a black man came to a ballpark was picking up the trash after the games. But I do have a problem with him passing up Hank Aaron, the real home run king. Hank was legit. Barry is a fraud.

Not only is he a cheat, but he's a cheat who's been caught and still won't admit it. He should be a fucking Republican. I use to do the same thing; I'd tell my mom that I didn't eat the candy bar, despite the fact my face is covered with chocolate and the Snickers wrapper is stuck to my shirt...the only difference is, I WAS FOUR!

Maybe the reason why Bonds has doubled in body-size is because he's so full of shit. When he's not busy rubbing clear all over his body, he's busy making excuses.
- I don't do steroids (Bullshit)
- Oh wait, my trainer put them in me without my knowledge. (Bullshit)
- It's the media's fault. (Bullshit)
- Steroids don't help you. (Greatest Bullshit of them all! Steroids help you get bigger, when you get bigger, you get stronger; when you get stronger, your singles turn into doubles and your doubles? They splash down into McCovey Cove)

But let's forget the fact that in one summer four years ago Bond's body started to resemble King Kong and his head was the size of a watermelon. Let's forget the fact that his mistress of twelve years has come forward and not only says that Barry knowingly did 'roids but he use to take cash payments for baseball signings and give it to her to shelter so he didn't have to pay taxes (I'm sure it will be the media's fault he didn't pay his taxes) But forget all that, one thing that's never changed is the fact Barry is quite asshole.

Asshole because he:
- Refuses to show up for team pictures
- Is the only player who brings his own PR guy and flex trainer to the clubhouse
- Had three lockers, a reclining massage chair and a big-screen television in the locker room that only he could see

On the field, Barry's M.O. is-
- I don't run out ground balls
- I don't run out pop flies
- I don't chase after balls in the outfield
- I go to bat wearing armor plating so I don't have to worry about inside pitches
- When I hit a homerun, I stand and watch it like I'm fucking Mona Lisa

And finally, how much do his teammates love him?
When he hit his 500th home run, the only person who came out to greet him...was the bat girl. Nice!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHHHHHAHHHAHHHHHHLOLOLOLOLOLOL Hell ya Robio, you are so right what a freak this bozo is...If he passes Aarons record it will be a travesty to the sport of baseball. -Cooms

2:25 AM  

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