Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes.


STATE'S RIGHTS - Republicans have always claimed to believe in Federalism (The idea that the Federal Government should stay out of State decisions). But for Terri Schiavo, Congress and the President had no problem stepping all over state court's decision, simply because they didn't agree with the decision.

MEDICAL MALPRACTICE - Since the election, Republicans have spent the entire time trying to limit the amount of money one can win in a medical malpractice suit...The exact type of suit that is currently paying for Terri's treatment.

SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE - Over the past year, Republicans have done everything they can to keep gays from getting married. They're justification has always been that marriage is a sacred institution. Yet, it is this sacred institution that says it is the spouse who is best able to determine what an incapacitated patient would have wanted...Not the parents, not judges, not congress and not the President. But Tom DeLay doesn't care about the sanctity of marriage, "All I know is Terri is alive...Unless she has specifically written instructions in her hand, with her signature, I don't care what her husband said."

You got that people...Get that permission slip ready, because Tom "Dickhead" DeLay won't let you die without one.

Also...Number of politicians (President, Governor or any member of Congress) who have accepted Michael Schiavo's offer to come down and see for themselves his wife's condition: Zero


"U.S. District Court Judge James Whittemore has defied Congress by not staying Terri Schiavo's starvation execution for the time it takes him to hold a full hearing on her case, a leading Republican senator said Tuesday.

"You have judicial tyranny here," Santorum told WABC Radio in New York. "Congress passed a law that said that you had to look at this case. He simply thumbed his nose at Congress."

"What the statute that [Whittemore] was dealing with said was that he shall hold a trial de novo," the Pennsylvania Republican explained. "That means he has to hold a new trial. That's what the statute said."
"What he's saying is, 'I don't have to hold a new trial because I've already determined that her rights have been protected,'" Santorum said.

"That's nice for him to say that But that's not what Congress told him to do," he added. "Judges should obey the law. And this judge - in my mind - simply ignored the law."


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