Monday, March 28, 2005

Sex Offenders for Life!

Who doesn't love a Christian with a record?

Scott Heldreth is the father of Josh Heldreth, one of several youngsters arrested for trying to bring water to Terri Schiavo. So who are these people dedicated to "saving" Terri's life? Scott is a registered sex offender in Florida, who spent time in prison in 1992-1993. He was arrested at Ohio University and charged with two counts of rape and one count of kidnapping.

Be sure to read the article here!


Blogger geoffrey said...

So a registered sex offender was arrested at an event where children were present, while endangering his own child.

Shouldn't people be questioning Gov. Bush about why this guy is now free and giving interviews to the press, instead of spending the rest of his life in prison?

3:38 PM  

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