Tuesday, March 29, 2005

We don't believe fur is murder, but paying for it sure is

You might be surprised to learn, but Robio is out of touch! I'm not always up on what the kids are doing these days. For example:
I didn't realize that J Lo is no longer J Lo, she's back to Jennifer Lopez. She changes names almost as fast as she changes husbands.

I didn't know that Jennifer Lopez is still putting out albums? I thought that whole Spanish movement died in 2001. I was wrong. J Lo...er, I mean Mrs. Mark Anthony has a new album, "Rebirth". So I'm guessing she's the Latin Jesus Christ or is it the Latin Maria Carey and her album is the Latin "Through the Rain"?

I also didn't realize that Lopez had started her own clothing line called "Sweetface". I guess "Bubble Butt" or "Fat Rump" was already taken.

But according to the NY DAILY NEWS LOWDOWN, PETA's throwing a fit because Lopez's "clothing line is replete with real fur."

Now everyone who knows me will tell ya, I'm not a PETA kind of guy...I love red meat, so rare that it's still moving...and I do enjoy wearing the occasional leather, especially when attending my Tuesday night S&M parties. But for once, I'm going to side with PETA, and not just because I love their ads featuring naked hotties with fuzzy bunnies.
So you want to put anti-Lopez ads in magazines...go for it!
You want to picket her movie "Monster-In-Law"...rock on!

As for me, I'm going to do my part as well. I'm officially boycotting Jennifer Lopez's new album! That's right, I ain't buying it!!
Have I ever bought any of her previous albums? No
Was I planning to buy her new album? Of course not
Have I ever seen a Lopez movie? Absolutely not, but I did download some photos of her once...actually, they weren't really her, it was just her head pasted onto someone else's body.

Okay, okay...because Lopez has fur in her clothing line, I will not watch her movies, buy her albums and I will not, under any circumstances download any photos of her; real ones or fake ones.


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