Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Stop Bolton!

Let's be clear on one thing; things over at the United Nations are a mess. A colossal mess? No, just a mess. The biggest being the oil-for-food scandal which allowed Saddam to siphon billions of dollars into his own pockets, which may force Secretary General Kofi Annan to resign soon.

Is this scandal bad? You bet your butt cheeks. Should the U.N. collapse because of it? Hell no!

The purpose of the U.N. is to help preserve peace, help settle disputes, help defuse international crisis and most importantly, lead the charge for humanitarian assistance around the world.

That's a lot of on the menu; so it's understandable if they burn a few appetizers. But the key to the United Nations is that every member has to do its part for it to function properly; Russia, England, France, China and yes, even the United States.

Bush2But ever since George 'Cokehead' Bush sneaked into office, he's been dropping his pants shaking his hairy-white ass at the United Nations. We wanted to go to war, members of the U.N. Security Council didn't approve. Well, fuck you, we'll go anyway.

You'll notice I don't use the word 'preemptive'. I don't because preemptive implies that we were about to be attacked by another country and we just choose to attack them first. You can learn more about this cool word here & here)

But now Bushie has done it again. This time he's turned around and waggled his ball sack at the United Nations by appointing John Bolton. Who is John Bolton? His peers at the state department refer to him as the "guided missile", not because of his sexual exploits, but due to the force in which he pursues his goals and the collateral damage he often inflicts in doing so.

- Bolton said, "There is no United Nations; there is an international community that occasionally can be lead by the only real power left in the world, and that's the United States, when it suits our interests and when we can get others to go along."
- He proudly declared in 1994, "The secretariat building in New York has 38 stories. If you lost ten stories today it wouldn't make a bit of difference."
- He also said, "This kind of mindless creation of the United Nations as something different than what's in the United States interests isn't going to sell here or anywhere else."
- Bolden has made his contempt clear, "The United States makes the U.N. work when it wants it to work and that's exactly the way it should be because the only question, the only question for the United States is what's in our National Interests. And if you don't like that, I'm sorry, that is the fact."

If Bush has concerns about the effectiveness of the United Nations, he should be working to improve it, so shouldn't he start by appointing someone who believes in it? Nah, for Bush, that would be too smart. Re-read the above quotes, you tell me Bush's true motive to appointing Bolton.

A stronger United Nations means a safer United States, don't let Bush appoint a man who's only goal is to undermine the U.N. and the rest of the world. Check out stopbolton.org


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