Thursday, April 28, 2005

Ban All Gays!!

A Republican Alabama (no less) lawmaker, Gerald Allen, says that being a homo is unacceptable.

Okay, not big news; A bigot from the south thinks gays are sinful. It's sad, but expected. But our dear Gerald has decided to take his hate and intolerance to the next level.

He is attempting to pass a bill in Alabama that says that public school libraries can no longer "buy new copies of plays or books by gay authors, or about gay characters."

"I don't look at it as censorship," says State Representative Gerald Allen. "I look at it as protecting the hearts and souls and minds of our children."

But in book after book, Allen reads what he calls the "homosexual agenda," and he's alarmed. "It's not healthy for America, it doesn't fit what we stand for," says Allen. "And they will do whatever it takes to reach their goal." He says he sees this as a line in the sand.

Okay, am I on the only one who's having Footloose flashbacks right now or is it Nazi book-burning flashbacks? Where's John Lithgow when you need him. What next, we ban dancing that might be too gay?

Listen, I'm the first person to get pissed off when people throw around the Nazis references, but this is getting down right scary.

First, Bush tries to get a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Second, Republicans sweep state elections riding on gay-marriage bands
Third, Michigan passes a law that says doctors can refuse treatment to a gay person
Fourth, Texas passes a state law that forbids gays from adopting foster children
Fifth, Microsoft caves in to the Religious right and refuses to back a anti-discrimination bill in Washington State. The bill fails.
And a Republican in Alabama wants to ban any book by gay author's or that has gay characters in it.

So no more Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, Gore Vidal. No "The Color Purple" or "Bridget Jones's Diary". I guess when Jeff Gannon/Gukert writes a book, he won't have to ship any copies to Alabama. I have to assume that Alabama won't be accepting Dick Cheney's daughter's upcoming book.

What do we do next? Erase gays from history? Alexander the Great...we can go ahead and erase him from history. What about President Lincoln? We'll cross him out of the history books? What about pop culture? 'Will & Grace...can't show that? We'll have to remove Bill Crystal's character in all reruns of 'Soap'.

Personally, I'm for it - because I truly believe we're about to experience a major backlash in the next election (2006). Let the Republicans ban their books, pass discriminating legislation, speak their hatred, ignore ethic rules and watch how many will be swept out of office in the next couple years.


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