Monday, April 25, 2005

If Dennis Miller wants to switch sides, fine. I'm all for it. After his stint on Monday Night Football, the less his voice is heard, the quicker handicaps will recover, but his basic point for switching to the Dark Side is that Bush Inc. makes him feel safer.

I'm assuming, he feels safer because we took the "war on terrorism" on the offensive by attacking Afy and Iraq. But my only question to Dennis Miller and to any war-supporting nutbag, how many people need to die to make you feel safe? How many children need to be crippled? How many homes need to be bombed and destroyed? I'm serious. Dennis calls himself a liberterine...which means he stands for almost everything Bush Inc. want to crush, but the most important issue to Miller is his safety. All I'm asking is, please Dennis tell many more people do we have to kill for you to feel safe?

Dennis Miller coos over being in Bush's corner
Comedian Dennis Miller still goes out in the noonday sun to proclaim his support for President Bush, never mind all the flak he takes from his liberal showbiz pals.
"Marty Short is one of my closest friends, and he just eviscerates me, takes me apart. I love it - Marty's extremely smart and it's hilarious," the "Saturday Night Live" alum told me the other day at Michael's over a lunch set up to hype "Dennis Miller," his weeknight talk show on ratings-challenged the rest at the NY Daily News!


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