Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A foreigner who hates foreigners

Way to go, the one person who can brag about being an immigrant who came to this country with no skills (you could lift weights, right?) and could barely spit out two sentences of proper English (Still having trouble with that one, huh?) who worked hard (Hollywood actor) and made it all the way to the governor of California.

Great story!

This is why I was so shocked that you said Tuesday that the nation's policy on preventing illegal immigration is too lax, telling a group of newspaper publishers the United States needs to "close the borders."

"Close the borders in California and all across Mexico and in the United States, because I think it is just unfair to have all those people coming across, have the borders open the way it is, and have this kind of lax situation."

I wonder where you would be if our borders were closed to'd probably still be sitting in your parent's basement in Austria pumping iron, staring in great awe at your Hitler photos, foddling yourself.

But let me guess, you just want to close those southern borders to keep the dirty Mexican's out, not the whitey's from Europe.


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