Monday, April 18, 2005

Help Wanted: Time Magazine Research Team

It's bad enough Time Magazine decided to do a feature on Ann Coulter; I guess hateful racists who approve of the killing of journalist (only liberal ones of course) is good for sales and Michael Savage and David Duke weren't available.

But it appears Time Magazine also has some issues with their research department. To prove that lil' Annie is hated so much, they used the above photo to prove it. This so-called "protest" was done outside the GOP convention in New York by a group called "Communist for Kerry".

The only problem is, Communist for Kerry right-wing group that went out there to make Kerry look bad!!

Sadly, Fox ran with these nuts twice last year...but guess what? They never revealed that the group were right-wing nuts. Suprised?

These types of morons have been around for awhile...remember this good guy who kicked a female aids prostester while she laid on the ground. Watch it here! You'll love his reaction when a reporter confronts this jackass.


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