Monday, April 18, 2005

Bye Bye Hyde

Republican Rep. Henry Hyde announces his retirement in 2006!

And don't let the door hit you on your fat ass on the way out!

- Hyde was among the 12 former directors and officers of the Clyde Federal Savings and Loan who were sued for gross negligence by federal regulators after the 1990 failure of the North Riverside, Ill.-based institution. That failure cost taxpayers an estimated $68 million.

- He first became a national figure when in 1976, during his second year in Congress, he sponsored a House measure that prohibited federal funding of abortions. The U.S. Supreme Court declared the "Hyde amendment" constitutional in 1980, and it has since become shorthand for restrictions on federal tax support of abortions.

- His national profile rose again in 1998 when he was the chief manager of the House impeachment case against Clinton.

This last one was ironic only because during the proceedings, Hyde, the great conservative husband & father of four, was forced to come clean about cheating on his wife for FIVE YEARS while he was a state represenative in Illinois. When the story broke, Hyde did not deny the affair, which he described as "my youthful indiscretions."

Huh? Youthful indiscretion? You were in your 40's jackass!!! The only thing youthful about Hyde digging in the wrong ditch is that the woman was in her 20's (and married with three kids)

So long, Hyde! Nice legacy loser.

Hyde and his mistress of five years


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4:43 AM  

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