Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Marla Ruzicka, the founder of Campaign for Innocent Victims In Conflict, was murdered in Iraq by a suicide bomber. It appears it was a random attack and she was not a target. Before she was killed, she had been visiting a family that had lost relatives during the U.S. bombing campaign. This woman was a hero, who's sole purpose was to look out for the well-being of the innocent victims, who's lives are destroyed by war.

But this is what some cocksucker had to say about her in the "Voice of the People" section of the New York Daily News.

Asking for trouble
Astoria: So-called angel of mercy Marla Ruzicka, killed in a suicide bombing in Baghdad, was a fool who should have been minding her own business ("Fallen angel lit up lives," April 19). If people of her ilk had had their way during World War II, we'd all be speaking Japanese or German.
~Brad Morris

Oh my lord!

Let me write my own response:

Asshole living in Astoria
Brad, pray to God I don't find you and beat you over the head with the largest object I can find. I can only hope that somehow, someday you and I can cross paths. You're a sick, pathetic little bitch that deserves a smacking. Marla Ruzicka is a hero! People like her who are willing to sacrifice everything to reach out to those who need the most help, is something few people are willing to do...espeically losers in Astoria.

You sit on your pathetic ass in fucking Astoria complaining about her - you wouldn't know the first thing about sacrifice. Ms. Ruzicka's work lead to the creation a program that has contributed more than $8 million for medical assistance, to rebuild homes, to provide loans to start businesses, and for other aid to innocent Afghan victims of the military operations.

Her work also led to the creation of a program known as the Civilian Assistance Program, which has provided $10 million to families and communities of Iraqi civilians killed by U.S. and other coalition forces. Another $10 million was allocated for this program just last week.

What the fuck have you ever done?

It just amazes me there are still ignorant morons like yourself in this world. And it's comments like, " If people of her ilk had had their way during World War II, we'd all be speaking Japanese or German."

Only the fucking brain-dead dickheads say such stupid things. Please explain to me how caring for innocent victims of war, whether they're white-bread Americans like yourself or not, would cause us to lose a war? Maybe you don't remember this because you surely never made it past the 5th grade, but our government did the same thing after World War II - It's called the "Marshall Plan"

And while we're trying to educate you, maybe you'll remember that America didn't get involved into World War II until after we were attacked, years after the rest of the world was fighting. If we followed that logic, then please explain to me what we're doing in Iraq.

Hey Brad Morris - may you get hit by a high-speed bus very soon and suffer an long, slow painful death.


Blogger Bradley Morris said...

Marla Ruzika should have spent some time with the orphans from the World Trade Center

10:33 AM  

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