Friday, April 22, 2005

Terri Schiavo equals dollars!!!

Sen. Rick Santorum collected more than $100,000 from Florida donors during the first three months of 2005, when the Pennsylvania Republican maintained a high profile in the fight over Terri Schiavo.

Santorum received the bulk of the money "$84,300" on March 31, the day the Florida woman died, according to an analysis by PoliticalMoneyLine, a campaign finance tracking group. The $84,300 was raised during campaign stops March 29 and 30 in four Florida cities, the group on

It's too bad these same people won't be able to vote for him come November...POLL: CASEY LEADS SANTORUM 14 POINTS.

This is what happens to you when you support the President's illegitimate war, back his efforts to destroy social security, hump the legs of Christian fanaticals and compare two gay people expressing their love with a man have sex with dogs.

Bye bye Ricky, enjoy your 100-grand when you're forced into retirement in 2006. If you were smart now, you will not run in 2006 by saying you're going to run for President.

President Beastiality...I kind of like the ring of that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are, not suprisingly, offended by the very idea of bestiality. You apparently think that bestiality is immoral and disgusting. My question is why do you think so? What is the source of your judgment that bestiality is beyond the pale of civilized behavior? How can you even make such a judgment? Who are you to decide what's right and moral for anyone else?

8:48 AM  
Blogger Big Shirtless Rob said...

Hey catfucker, I can call you that since you ssem to approve/enjoy/love banging animals...the post isn't about whether one thinks screwing pets is a good thing.

The problem is Republican Senators who think it is there duty to decide what two adults want to do together in the privacy of their own bedroom...Man banging horse would be raping the horse. I'm an animal lover, that's why I get to have an opinion on this.


1:30 AM  

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