Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Photo Fantasies

What's he saying?

A) Mmm, you, you a pretty one. You come back to the Holy Land with me. I make you my tenth wife.
B) Don't look at her breast, oh gee, don't look at her breasts. Oh darn it! I looked.
C) You know, once you go Sunni, you never go back, baby!
D) You want to hear something funny - in my country I would have you buried into the ground and stoned to death for appearing in public dressed like that. Hahahaha.
E) You are a beautiful girl. In my country, I couldn't sell you for any less than four goats and a Volkswagen...or at least some kind of Honda.
F) Dear Allah, please don't let her be Jewish, please don't let her be Jewish.
G) I bet you didn't know that it was really the Jews who bombed the World Trade Center. No, it's true. They also drink baby's blood and control all the banks and run Hollywood and fuck goats...okay, I made up that last part, but the rest is true.
H) Yes, you are correct; girls in my country can't work, can't leave the house without a man, can't drive a car or even sit in the front seat...but we have amazing falafels! You should try one. In fact, I'll take you there now, I'll make you my tenth wife and you try one. They're delightful.


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