Thursday, April 28, 2005

Beat your wife, not your cock!

In good Ole South Carolina, it will be a felony to engage in cockfighting (not you, not your cock, but a rooster) but if you want to beat the shit out of your wife, no big deal...only a misdemeanor.

A bill protecting cocks passed through the House Judiciary Committee. Rep. John Graham Altman (R-Dist. 119-Charleston) was in favor of the gamecock bill, "I was all for that. Cockfighting reminds me of the Roman circus, coliseum."

If the bill passes, cockfighting will be a felony, punishable by five years in jail. But if you bitch slap your wife around, you'll get a 30-day jail sentence.

For Fun, let's look at Altman's quotes regarding this subject. (No jokes needed)

News 10 reporter Kara Gormley asked Altman, "That's fine if you feel you will never be able to explain it to me, but my question to you is: does that show that we are valuing a gamecock's life over a woman's life?"

Altman again, "You're really not very bright and I realize you are not accustomed to this, but I'm accustomed to reporters having a better sense of depth of things and you're asking this question to me would indicate you can't understand the answer. To ask the question is to demonstrate an enormous amount of ignorance. I'm not trying to be rude or hostile, I'm telling you."

Gormley, "It's rude when you tell someone they are not very bright."

Altman, "You're not very bright and you'll just have to live with that."

In the follow-up interview, Rep. Altman commented, "I wanted to offend that snippy reporter who come in here on a mission. She already had the story and she came in with some dumb questions and I don't mind telling people when they ask dumb questions."

Rep. Altman spoke about domestic violence, "There ought not to be a second offense. The woman ought to not be around the man. I mean you women want it one way and not another. Women want to punish the men, and I do not understand why women continue to go back around men who abuse them. And I've asked women that and they all tell me the same answer, John Graham you don't understand. And I say you're right, I don't understand."

Gormley, "So it's their fault for going back?"

Altman, "Now there you go, trying to twist that too. And I don't mind you trying. It's not the woman's fault, it's not blaming the victim, but tell me what self respecting person is going back around someone who beats them?"

During the same interview, he responded to the reporter's question, "You seem to be drawn to this fixation that women have to go back. I don't think that speaks highly of women. I think women can think and be responsible for their own actions. Woman are not some toys out there, drawn back to the magnet of the man a lot of these men are bums and cretins and they have to be punished but I think women are independent enough to not go back to the men who beat them. And we have a lot of men who are abused by women, but they are too ashamed to admit it."

Rep. Altman, "I know you are after a story. And it's kind of a nice story, that we've tabled a CDV bill. Because then you can talk about the insensitive man, the insensitive legislator, but it's not the case. But I don't know why a woman, there would ever be a second offense."

Let's try to digest all this:
First of all, Altman is clearly not very bright. Who the fuck speaks to anyone like this ball bag did to this reporter? Rule #1 in Asshole school…if you can’t justify your action, deflect, deflect and deflect.

Now on the issue at hand, it appears Altman doesn’t feel that wife beaters should get stiff penalties for slapping their ho’s around because it’s the woman’s fault for coming back. Like he said, “he can’t understand why women continue to go back around men who abuse them.”

Obviously, fuck nut is a typical white-bread Republican who has lived a privileged life. He doesn’t quite get it that the type of person who is married to abusive people comes from lower-income or broken homes and it’s not unusual for them to come from abusive families.

I also have to assume he’s wealthy, because only an ignorant fuck like him would honestly believe that it is just that easy for these women to just get up and leave. Yeah, we all have gold cards and tons of cash sitting around so when we uproot our lives, there’s a cushy pillow waiting for us. Typically, women who are abused are not wealthy woman, some would even say poor. Many have kids and either have small part-time jobs or are full-time mothers. As any person with have a brain can tell you, it’s not that easy.

He tries to say he’s not blaming the victim, but then says, “What self respecting person is going back around someone who beats them?” Man, what a cockfucker.

Listen, Mr. Altman seems pretty stubborn about this “not going back” idea. So I have to assume that he’s prepared to do his part. I think from this day forward and women who is abused by their husband or boyfriend should grab their bags, grab their kids and give Rep Altman a call. You can reach him at his office at (803) 734-2947. I’m sure he has no problem taking all you women into his home so you won’t have to go back to your abusive spouses.

As for the cocks, you can breathe easy now, you’re finally protected.


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