Saturday, June 25, 2005

Big Bird is a Nazi

The great thing about conservatives is how good they are at picking an issue and attacking it from all side over and over and over again.

Recently, Republicans in Congress are going after National Public Television. In their small brains, they have decided that it's tooooo liberal to their they're trying to starve it to death by cutting their federal funded budget. Luckily for the rest of us sane people, its failing.

But it doesn't mean it won't keep trying. You remember the big uproar over Durbin using the Nazi reference. So strange since the fuckhead righties have no problem throwing it out.

This is a great example of why you should always check out the other side's thoughts.

This is one of the many great photos on The American Spector web site. If you don't have a weak stomach, you can check it out here. Read all about why Big Bird is a Nazi. Did you ever wonder why liberals are really socialist, then check it out. Do you want to buy a "ACLU are Commies" t-shirt. I know I do. And finally, they explain in full detail how Dick Durbin is morphing into Jane Fonda.
Fucking Awesome stuff!!

If you rather avoid their site, but you want to see all the crap, go to!


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