Friday, June 03, 2005

Boycott Bitch!

If a boycott falls in the woods, would anyone here it?

The American Family Association has called off its nine year boycott of everything Disney because Disney was friendly to gays, claiming victory no less. Let's see, Disney is about to celebrate it's 15th annual Gay Day, they still over family benefits to gay employees and they own ABC which produces the hit show "Desperate Housewives" which features middle-aged woman bangin' the teenage garden have no love those unknown boycotts from Christian groups out of Mississippi that you've never heard of. In fact, I can't think of anything good that's come out of Mississippi...except the Mud Pie...Mmmmmm Mud Pie.

Christian group calls off Disney boycott

A major Christian conservative organization called off its nine-year boycott of the Walt Disney Co. on Monday, citing "positive signs" that the company had moved away from its "arrogance" and "embrace of the homosexual lifestyle."

"The boycott of Disney is now a matter of personal conviction, rather than a matter of [American Family Association] ministry emphasis," Tim Wildmon, AFA president, said in a statement posted on the group's Web site.

The move comes nearly one week before the 15th anniversary celebration of Gay Day at Disney World in Florida, set for June 1. The AFA cited the annual theme park party as one of the reasons for initiating the boycott in 1996, and the event remains a "troubling stain on the Mouse House," according to the AFA's site.



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