Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bolton tortured his G.I. Joe Men as a Child

It looks like John Bolton is going to get to be the U.S. Rep for the United Nations...this is a bit silly. For crying out loud, what does one have to do not get voted in by the Republicans? Seriously...anything short of beating your mother or torturing animals (oh wait, Frist did that as a kid) can be overlooked?

Once again, let me be the first to say, World, I'm sorry.

From Yahoo News

Lugar Urges Bolton Nod Despite Behavior

WASHINGTON - The Republican chairman of a deeply divided Senate panel considering John R. Bolton's nomination to be U.N. ambassador said Thursday that Bolton should be confirmed despite sometimes objectionable or wrongheaded behavior.

"Secretary Bolton's actions were not always exemplary," Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said in remarks opening the panel's debate on the nomination...READ ON!


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