Wednesday, May 04, 2005

How many questions does it take to land in jail?

Appartantly, just one.

From The Daily Texan!

Oh Ann, oh dirty whore of a woman.

Everyone's favorite Conservative bitch, Ann Coulter, was having a hard time at a recent Q&A at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum (Yes, that's a Democratic President). Once again, like most Annie events, hecklers heckeled and Anne threatened to leave.

The hecklers did manage to quiet down long enough for her to give her support for the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman on the basis that a good woman civilizes and inspires a man to strive for something better.

Huh? So the purpose of a woman is to make the man better? What is Annie, a Stepford Wife?

Anyhow, Ajai Rai, an English student followed up with this queston, "You say that you believe in the sanctity of marriage. How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but fuck his wife up the ass?"

I guess in Texas, you can't ask a question with the word "fuck" or "ass" or maybe it's the combination deal of "fuck" "wife" and "ass" or maybe it was the word "believe" or "say"? Who knows?

Either way, UT police arrested Mr. Rai, resulting in "a mass exodus of protesters chanting, "Let him go."

I'm sorry, but here you got Annie, a racist, anti-liberal, anti-gay, ring-wing bigot who is getting paid $30,000 to attend a Q&A and she can't answer the question? Sorry Annie, but this isn't a Bush town hall meeting, filled with only ignorant morons who are their to heap praise upon you instead of asking true, hard questions.

Come on Annie, you support everything anti-gay. You support anti-sodomy laws. Then it's a reasonable question to ask you if you support sodomy for a married male/female couple? Is it the sodomy that bothers you or is it the fact two men perform it?

If you can't answer the questions; if you can't back up your own beliefs...then return the 30-grand, bitch.


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