Friday, May 06, 2005

Cocksucker 101

Man, this guy is just a fucking cocksucker!

DeLay: To Serve Well is to Serve Humbly; Asks for Prayers for Congress on National Day of Prayer

WASHINGTON, May 5 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) today delivered remarks on the importance of humility in public service and asked for continued prayers for the U.S. Congress at the annual National Day of Prayer service. Below are excerpts from his remarks.

He needs to be praying for his career right now

"No man or woman of any faith or of no faith can truly love, truly serve, truly persevere, truly dare mighty deeds, truly hope for the future or truly honor the past, without a humble heart.

Humble heart? Don't you have a fucking plane to catch, paid for by someone else?

"So it is for humility, then, that, on behalf of the legislative branch -- both houses, both parties -- I ask for your prayers today. Because the only way we can serve well is to serve humbly, as servants both to God and our nation.

I have a feeling God ain't listening to you, bitch!

"For all the troubles in our world today, we can never forget that humanity has never before possessed a greater capacity for virtue than at this moment. With a richer, healthier, and more populous planet than at any time in history, mankind has never been blessed with a greater garden, nor with greater means of protecting it.

Let's go ask the people in places like Iraq, Africa and the people forced to live in mud huts how blessed they feel in a 'greater garden'.

"And while all these gifts carry with them unprecedented temptations toward pride, so do they carry unprecedented opportunities for humble service - here in Congress, across America, and around the world in the hearts of all people of all faiths.

The only bending down to your knees DeLay is doing is deep throating the Christian nutballs on the right.

"Here in Washington, the seat of the most powerful nation in history, these days pose unique challenges and offer unique opportunities. For however dangerous, these days we live are the envy of all times and men.


"Think of what we could accomplish if we checked our pride at the door, if collectively we all spent less time taking credit and more time deserving it. If we spent less time ducking responsibility and more time welcoming it. If we spent less time on our soapboxes and more time on our knees.

Accomplishing what, Tommy? Ripping up social security, forcing school prayer, giving even larger tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% like yourself. And why don't you be the first to spend less time ducking responsibility for your ethical violations, instead of changing House rules and having members who have helped pay for you defense fund to be put on the ethics team.

"No matter what your faith, no matter what your political persuasion, your prayers for our increased humility, for our ever-humbler service to God and neighbor are needed and wanted."

I'm praying right now, Tommy. I'm praying you get hit by a car, become brain dead and you're forced to stay on a feeding tube for forty years, drolling on yourself.


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