Thursday, May 05, 2005

Rules are not meant to be broken...

...Unless of course they're rules you don't agree with.

That's the message I'm getting from ring-wing fuckheads that read conservative homo-denying Matt Drudge.

Mr. Drudge posted a link to a story from a Cape Coral newspaper about Kelly Smith, a mother who's daughter was returning from Iraq, who decided to put up 'Welcome Home' signs in the median strip, along with a bunch of yellow ribbons.

Well, guess what? Hanging signs onto public property is illegal in Cape Coral. "The city does not allow temporary or commercial signs in medians unless they are also advertising city-owned facilities, or providing road information, such as street signs or stop signs." So a 82-year-old code compliance officer came along and took it all down, as well as other signs for garage sales and such.

I was born and raised in Florida and I can tell you that there are a lot of old people down there. And when you have a lot of old people, you have a lot of RULES - A lot of STUPID RULES. You're not going to agree with them all, but they're there and they're going to enforce them.

Now as for this sign, mamma wasn't too happy.
"After my daughter is risking her life for our country, for me, for you, for code enforcement," Kelly Smith said. "I think it is a shame they are so shallow. What harm does it do?"

Listen sweetie, I appreciate what your daughter has done. But you live in Cape Coral for a reason. If you want to put signs up, put them all over your house. Hell, paint your freaking house yellow like a ribbon. But don't get pissy when someone is just doing their job.

Of course Matt Drudge had to get involved. God forbid he'd ever post anything about Tom DeLay or all the polls going against Bush and the, no, no. This is what he reports.

And what do hundreds of moronic Drudge readers do? They email Cape Coral and call them Un-American, Communists and Nazis. They rip into the code enforcer, an 82-year-old WWII vet. American of you!


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