Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Nuclear Option Countdown

Republicans are ready to go Nuclear!!

According to the AP Wire, Bill Frist is ready to go nuclear on the filibuster. Despite the fact that President Bush has gotten 95% of his judges through Congress (208 out of 218), more than the past three Presidents, Frist is ready next week to change Senate rules to stop Democratic filibusters of the President's judicial nominations.

It's amazing how fucked up these people are. All a candidate has to do to get by a filibuster is get 60 votes (60 out of 100). I'm sorry, but if some judge can't get 60 votes, he doesn't belong. For crying out loud, in school 60% is failing.

It amazes me that they think they can ignore the fact that they kept 60 Clinton nominations from ever receiving a floor vote. Back then Democrats had a 55-person majority and did we eliminate 200 years of Senate rules just to get every single judge we wanted through? No.

But again, this isn't about these stupid little Federal judges. For Frist and company, this is about the Supreme Court. In their eyes they see two openings for the Supreme Court in the next three years. This is their only opportinuty to guarantee that two anti-aborition, pro-prayer-in-school type judges end up in those two spots.

Don't you think it's ironic that the two Supreme Court judges who everyone expects to retire are both Conservative judges, yet they refuse to step down right now even though it would be a perfect time to do so while everything in Washington is coming up red.

We need to let the Republicans do what they can to destroy themselves, so in 2006 they get their asses handed to them in the election and the Senate goes back to the Dems.


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