Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Bathroom Reading

It's going to be real interesting how the right wing commentators and blogs cover this story.

Afghan Protest Over Quran Turns Deadly

KABUL, Afghanistan - Shouting "Death to America," demonstrators angry over the alleged desecration of the Quran at Guantanamo Bay smashed car and shop windows and stoned a passing convoy of U.S. soldiers Wednesday in eastern Afghanistan. Police opened fire on the protesters, killing four and injuring at least 71.

The U.S. troops fired into the air before quickly leaving the area in Jalalabad, near the Pakistan border, provincial intelligence chief Sardar Shah told The Associated Press. It was the biggest outpouring of anti-American sentiment since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.

Mobs also attacked the Pakistani consulate along with the offices of two U.N. agencies and a Swedish relief organization. No foreigners were reported hurt and witnesses said police and government troops had restored order by early afternoon

This is where it gets interesting; not so much their anger, but how they found out about the U.S. tactics with the Quran.

The demonstrations began Tuesday, when protesters burned an effigy of President Bush over a report in Newsweek magazine that interrogators at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, placed Qurans on toilets to rattle suspects, and in at least one case "flushed a holy book down the toilet."

Of course, like every other time we do something stupid, our government denies, denies and oh yeah, denies.

In Washington, the State Department said the allegations of desecration were "certainly serious and it would be important to have them be looked into."

"Obviously, the destruction of any kind of holy book, whether it's a Bible or a Quran or any other document like that, is something that's reprehensible and not in keeping with U.S. policies and practices," State Department spokesman Tom Casey said.

The United States is holding about 520 people at Guantanamo Bay, many of them al-Qaida and Taliban suspects captured in Pakistan and Afghanistan following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in America.

We all know what this story should be about - This government's continued hypocricy. We yell out freedom, yet support regimes who don't live it. We scream out liberty, yet we contain hundreds if not thousands of people with any trial. We cry out against torture chambers, yet we not only continue to torture, we outsource to countries we condemn for that exact reason.

No matter what is going on, no matter how bad the enemy is, this country must always practice what it preaches!!

But of course this won't be what the right wing nutsacks will talk about. Instead they'll yell about the press and Newsweek for doing a story that will piss off Muslims around the world. For them, although the "right to bare arms" is an absolute, the "freedom of press," well, not so much.


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