Thursday, May 12, 2005

Common Sense Wins...finally

A Catholic-run AIDS prevention program is promoting you use of condoms!!

That's right, you heard it right. Catholics & the same sentence.

You see, the country of Honduras faces the fastest-growing AIDS epidemic in the Western Hemisphere. So what do the Catholic volunteers down there do? They promote condoms...oh yeah!

"It's a minor sin," says Wendy Guerra, head of "Program Open Door" in the sweaty city of San Pedro Sula. Hers is one of an army of Catholic-run AIDS prevention programs in tiny Honduras, home to some 60 percent of Central America's AIDS cases.

"As a Catholic charity we can't hand out condoms but we give advice about them and make sure people know where to get them," said Catherine O'Leary, a British nurse who runs the San Jose Hospice

Read article here now!


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