Saturday, June 18, 2005

Crooks are people too

You gotta love Gov. Vilsack...and not just because his name makes you think of ball sacks. Ha-Ha, he said ball sack. But he's actually a decent guy and good governor.

I've always said, which means I'm going to say it makes no sense that a felon can't vote. Think about it? If you commit a crime, get busted, serve time (or community service), complete the whole rehabiliation process, then why can't you be able to vote? Right now they don't because a unfair majority of felones in this country are minority and who do minorities usually vote for? I'll give you a's not Republicans.

Critics of course say this will hurt "efforts to curb crime." Please, please, please explain that one to me. Do they really believe that some criminal about to rob a 7-11 is going to say, oh wait! I shouldn't do this because if I do, I run the risk of getting caught and losing the opportunity to vote ever again! Screw this shit. I'm gettin' a job.

Fuck those morons. Nice job Ballsack, I mean, Vilsack, great step in the right direction in Iowa.

Iowa Gov. to Restore Felons' Voting Rights

Gov. Tom Vilsack said Friday he will soon sign an order restoring the voting rights of convicted felons who have served their sentences.

Currently, felons can apply for the right to vote, but it must be approved by the state's parole board and the governor in a lengthy process.

Vilsack, a Democrat, said the current system is too time-consuming and unfairly affects minorities. His executive order would automatically restore felons' voting rights upon completion of their sentences.

"This action we take is not going to be a pardon," Vilsack said at a news conference surrounded by dozens of civil rights activists. "When you've paid your debt to society, you need to be reconnected to society."

Want more, go surg the AP!


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