Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Celebrate freedom with a protest

If Iraqis are so happy with our invading them two years ago, they sure have a funny way of showing it.

"Shiite and Sunni religious clerics called for protests to mark the two-year anniversary of Baghdad's fall, prompting four days of demonstrations across the country."

It seems they're happy to have their new found freedom (when I say freedom, I mean no more Saddem, not freedom in the same sense we know it), but they feel it's time for the Good Ole U.S.A. to go.

"Tens of thousands of mostly Shiite protesters, largely followers of militant cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, filled central Baghdad's streets Saturday, holding the largest anti-American protest since the invasion. Demonstrations have continued, all echoing the same demand: It's time for U.S. troops to leave."
And this is coming from Shiites not Sunnis. (If you don't know the difference, don't ever read my blog again, please)

Read article here!


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