Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Washington Time...wrong!!!

Remember that little story the Washington Times wrote saying that the Schiavo memo must be a fake? They basically accused Democrats of forging the memo to make Republicans look bad. They claimed to have done a survey and "found that every Republican said the memo was not crafted or distributed by him or her. Every one of them said he or she had not seen it until the memo was the subject of speculation in major news organs, particularly ABC News and The Washington Post."

Guess what? They were wrong!! Senator Mel Martinez, R-Fla., has confessed that it was his office that wrote the infamous Schiavo memo that stated that the Terri Schiavo case was an important one because "the pro-life base will be excited that the Senate is debating this important issue," and "This is a great political issue, because Senator Nelson of Florida has already refused to become a cosponsor and this is a tough issue for Democrats."

Oh, the compassion.

Meanwhile, as the Washington Times figures out how to pull their heads out of their assholes, Neoconservative's favorite Asian whore, Michelle Malkin, should be doing the same right about now.

The other day, dear Michelle posted on her web site a call for the Washington Post (and all liberal media for that matter) to come clean and admit they knowingly reported on this fake memo story.

From Michelle Malkin:
I suspect that no one at the Post or ABC News still believes the amateurish, unsigned, misspelled memo was circulated by Republican Party leaders. We may never know whether the memo was the handywork of a Republican staffer or a Democrat dirty trickster or an outside interloper, but clearly there is absolutely no evidence that this was a Karl Rove plot.

Nonetheless, the damage has been done. The memo has been cited hundreds of times to support the argument that Republicans' decision to intervene in the Schiavo case was politically motivated. And neither ABC News nor the Post has admitted any wrongdoing.

The Post can continue to mischaracterize its coverage. It can stonewall, perhaps hoping that its critics will get bored and give up. Or it can own up to its errors.

Should it choose to correct its errors, there will be a lot to account for. By my count, the Post owes its readers four retractions:
- one for its unsubstantiated allegation in the Allen / Roig-Franzia wire story,
- one for the unsubstantiated allegations in the two Reuters stories,
- one for Kurtz's description of the talking points as a "Republican strategy memo," and

Oh Malkin, Malkin, dirty bitch!
Should you choose to correct your errors, there will be a lot to account for. By my count, Michelle owes her readers four statements:
- one for her to admit that the Washington Post and any other media outlet was correct when it stated that the memo came from a Republican.
- one for her to admit that she is full of shit and has always been full of shit
- one for her to admit that most of her stories on her web site are either lies, hateful, racist or all of the above
- one for her to admit that she enjoys a good spanking like any dirty ring-winger should


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