Monday, April 04, 2005

Pope bashing

Now that the old man's been dead for over 48 hours, it seems like a good time to speak the truth about his legacy...and there are three things that stick out!

1) Condoms - Over the last twenty years, the greatest epidemic to hit this planet has been AIDS. While millions have become infected and died, the Pope has refused to change the Catholic church's stance on the use of Condoms. I can understand and appreciate the Church's desire to teach abstinence, but with H.I.V. we can't afford to choose one or the other. You preach one (abstinence), but teach them both! If this crises was spreading through (Christian) Europe as it has Africa, the world, including the Pope, would be playing a whole different ball game.

2) Birth Control - This is the most outdated bullshit the Church has to this day. It's one thing to not want unmarried women to be on the pill (Because if you're on the pill, you must be sleeping with anyone with a penis), but the Pope condemns birth control for married couples. Why? Like every religion, the best way to keep your base is to outbreed everyone else. At some point we have to start thinking realistically. There are over 6-billion people on this little, tiny planet. We already costuming more of the Earth's natural resources then would should be. Maybe it's not such a good thing for every Tom, Dick and Harry to have ten children each. Now I know Christians believe Armageddon is coming, so why give two shits about the planet? But until that day, let's not condemn some families for wanting just one or two kids.

3) Sex Abuse - For all it's talk about abstinence...this is one church that talks the talk, but certainly doesn't walk the walk. Not only has the church been raping little boys throughout the years, when it was discovered and the world knew, what did this pope do? He hid the facts, covered up evidence and protected guilty parties. The only thing sicker then the act of raping a small child, is sane people who are supposed to be on the side of God, making excuses for the Bishops and Cardinals who knew what was going on and spent three decades protecting the rapist. Any changes the Pope made in Catholic policy to prevent this from happening again in the future were just token changes to get the media and authority of its back.

This is the Pope I'll remember!

A Recovering Catholic


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