Wednesday, March 30, 2005

DEBATE DATE: Robio vs. Ben Stein

You remember Ben Stein...from 'Win Ben Stein's Money'? Even before that he warmed our hearts as Ferris Bueller's economics teacher.

"Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?"
"In 1930, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the... Anyone? Anyone?... the Great Depression, passed the... Anyone? Anyone? The tariff bill? The Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act? Which, anyone?"

But one thing we should never forget is before all this, Ben Stein was a speech writer for the lovable Dick Nixon and his ideology remains firmly to the right.

Yesterday, Ben Stein chimed in on the Terri Schiavo situation in The American Spectator, reminding us all where he stands. So I have decided to debate Mr. Stein.
(Again, since I have no ability to reach Ben Stein, I can only debate his op-ed. Below is his opinion is in red)

"Terry Schiavo Sentenced To Death."

Because she had a "husband" who did not want her alive to talk about him or for whatever reason, she was sentenced to die in a cruel and unusual way that the Supreme Court would never have countenanced for the most savage mass killer -- slow starvation and dehydration. Why isn't she excused from the death penalty for that reason alone?

Nice, right off the bat you throw out the new Christian conservative talking point, accusing Terri's husband, Michael Schiavo, of attempted murder and now he wants her dead so he can keep her quiet. You know, if you're just going to use twisted, make-believe talking points, can you use at least use bullet points next time? Thanks.

Because the courts read the public opinion polls and the polls show that most people don't care for her to stay alive, she is sentenced to die. So now we have "Family Feud" justice where the only right answer is the one that most respondents give, and a totally innocent woman has to die because a poll says so.

Gee, if only the Supreme Court ruled based on polls and public opinion more often; those pesky 2000 election results would have been quite different. The laws are clear on this one, Ben. If you want the laws changed, call your local Congressman, this way your parents can decide your fate and not your wife.

I wonder if a poll of Aryan Germans would have found a majority who cared enough to pull a lever to save the Jews. I suspect a good majority -- voting in total secrecy, of course -- would have said, "Let them die. They're inferior and not worth providing food for." So now we are at that level.

Wow, it only took you three paragraphs to throw out the typical Republican "Nazi" reference. Bill O'Reilly would be so proud. But let's be clear on this; you're comparing the systematic elimination of six-million Jews to the majority of Americans who believe a) the husband knows his wife's wishes best and b) if we were in her shoes we would want to be allowed to go quietly into that good night too?

But when Terri Schiavo is with her Maker let's be clear what happened: she was executed by the culture of death judiciary, the same ones who say no baby has a right to live until he's out of the womb by a few days -- and you can bet that's going to change so that babies who are less than perfect will soon be sentenced to death, too. She was executed, despite having committed no crime whatsoever, by thugs in black robes who would not know a law if it were on their breakfast plate.

Yes, the "Culture of death!" Man, you guys are so good at these three-word slogans. And guess what? You're right. It's all part of the Democrats new "Culture of Death" plan. You have us all figured out. After Terri' kicks the bucket, we're going to start killing any babies that are less than perfect (especially the fat ones). If we're lucky, we can take care of the social security problem by simply eliminating anyone over 70 who looks at me wrong on the street.

This is what we have come to. The unelected judiciary has simply taken over, like a gangster governmental branch, from the rest of the government, and it is a judiciary of death. And this is with a Republican, right to life president. When a Democrat wins again, as will surely happen, God help us.

Now Ben, you're a smart man...that's why so many people failed to win your money on your show, so I'm surprised I have to remind you of this; Judge Greer, the state judge who presides over this case in state court (you know, the one under 24-house protection because of all the death threats from the people supporting the "Culture of Life") he was elected, in fact he's been elected three times, most recently in 2004, right in the middle of the Terri Schiavo case. Obviously , someone down there thinks he's doing a fine job.

Winner of the debate: Robio (reminder: This decision is bias based on the fact I am the only voter)


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