Wednesday, March 30, 2005

US will cease to exist in 2007

A Palestinian scholar has thoroughly analysis the Koran and appartently it reveals that the United States will cease to exist in the year 2007.

Shocking!! Who the hell knew there were any Palestinian scholars?!!

How will we met our demise you ask? Tital Waves!

After in-dept interpretations of various verses in the Koran, scholar Ziad Silwadi predicts that the U.S. will be hit my a tsunami larger than that which recently struck southeast Asia.

According to Silwadi, this massive tsunami will not be caused by a super-duper earthquake like the recent Indian Ocean one, but rather "great sin will cause a huge flood in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans."

Of course, I live in the United States and I certainly don't want to cease to exist in two years, so I was hoping to see what I could do to reverse this great sin tsunami...but the so-called sins are against mankind, Native Americans and blacks. I'm just one man, what the hell am I supposed to do about that? Oh well.

Thanks for the heads up, Ziad.


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