Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Open Letter to Jesse Jackson

Dear Jesse Jackson-

You’ve been a good man over the years. You’ve done some great things. So I’m not going to crucify you, but I really have to question if you’ve lost your way recently. You’ve become one of those B-List actors who pop up in every commercial, not even knowing the product you’re peddling.

What happened to that man who helped win the release of hundreds of foreign nationals being held in Kuwait by Saddam Hussein?
What happened to the man who helped secure the release of three POW’s held by Milosevic?

I miss that guy.

You’ve turned into an opportunistic, showboat that appears wherever cable news trucks gather in bunch. You’re starting to make Al Sharpton look camera shy.

First it was when a group of degenerates started a brawl at a football game, endangering the lives of fans just trying to watch a football game. These kids were expelled like they should be, but luckily for them they were black and Jesse arrives like John Cochran without the gloves that just don’t fit.

You lobbied on behalf of the boys, declaring the punishment didn’t fit the crime. I don’t know Jesse, when a student comments felony assault on school property, I would rather they not be at school with my children. But if I was you, maybe I could just forget the fact three of the boys repeated their freshman year three times and all seven of the boys missed a combined 300 days of school in the last three years. Maybe if I was Jesse, I could overlook the fact one of the kids was recently arrested for robbery and another for trespassing at the school.

Maybe instead of supporting hooligans Jesse, you should go watch Morgan Freeman’s “Lean On Me.” It was a great movie with a great line, “One bad apple can spoil the bunch.” You should check it out sometime; you might learn something.

But the last two weeks, you’ve really shown that you’re nothing but a media whore. How long is it before you end up on VH1’s ‘Surreal Life’?

First you pop up in defense of Michael Jackson. Now this just makes me sick. I can’t figure out who’s the bigger whore here; you for leaching onto an accused child molester or Michael Jackson grabbing onto any religion he can to save his ass. He’s a Jehovah’s Witness, then he seeks council and receives security from the Muslim sect of the Nation of Islam, now he wakes up at 4:30 every morning to pray and seek your advice; a Baptist Christian. That’s why Michael’s back hurts so much; he’s kissing up to too many gods.

As for you, shame on you again. I have no idea if Michael Jackson is guilty. I’m not a member of the jury. But maybe what you’ve should have been doing is telling your buddy Michael to stop sleeping with children in his bed; stop showing pornography to children; and lay off the Jesus juice, especially after he’s already paid off one boy to keep quiet in the early 90’s.

But now you’ve topped yourself. If there was one media circus I’d expect you to keep your ass out of, this was the one. Yesterday, you pulled up in a white stretched limo, wearing a $2,000 suit to support Terri Schiavo’s parents; accusing the Hospice of starving to death a patient. Shame on you Jesse!
(I wonder if Martin Luther King Jr. ever pulled up to a Birmingham Bus Boycott in a white stretch limo and $2,000 suit)

If you even bothered to look into the facts of this case or have a conversation with Terri’s husband you would learn that Terri’s brain is done, it’s gone. Terri’s CAT-SCAN shows zero activity…when there’s no activity, you can’t think, you can’t feel pain, you can’t do anything except stare off into space and moan a lot. And worst yet, you jumped into bed with the devil himself, Randall Terry. Remember the old saying Jesse, if you dance with the devil you're going to get burned. Well, it's time for you to stop, drop and roll because you're smoking.

Personally, I can’t figure out why you’re doing all this. Maybe you feel like you lost all your moral mojo when you got caught sticking lil’ Jesse into another chick not named Mrs. Jesse Jackson. Come on Jesse, even the best of us can knock up someone who’s not our wife. All you had to do was lay low, save your marriage, raise your new bastard child and make piece with your God…but that’s not possible. Like Paris Hilton’s tit, you just keep popping back out…in front of the cameras no less.

Jesse, do me a favor...start fighting the fights that need fighting and I’ll be back in your corner, brother!



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