Thursday, March 31, 2005

Sinners, you're all sinners!

Are you currently one of the millions of straight people who are living with your boyfriend/girlfriend?

If so, do you live in either Florida, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Virginia or West Virginia?

If you answered yes to BOTH questions, please stop reading this, run, don't walk to the nearest police station and turn yourself are breaking the law!

That's correct, you're a sexual deviant, who is commiting a "lewd & lascivious" act like other great 'government in the bedroom' laws like adultery, fornication and sodomy. Prior to 1970, every U.S. state had a Cohabitation Law. But only 43 of them realized that the days of 'Ozzy & Harriet' were over...just ask Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani; all have been married three times.

In cases like these, the typical punishment for your crime is a short prison term or a fine up to $500. In those seven states alone, there are over a million unmarried-partner households, so obviously it's not a law that's enforced often...but all it takes is for on local jackass to enforce the law to ruin another person's life.

Check out Debora Hobbs story!

She's a former sheriff's dispatcher who quit her job after her boss told her to either get married, move out, or find another job!

It's time to end this B.S. law. Check out the ACLU web site!


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