Thursday, March 31, 2005

Media Whores

Shame on the media!

Could they have done any worse reporting the death of Terri Schiavo? I go online to read what I can about her death this morning and what do I get:
- Only her parent’s grief
- Priests calling Terri’s husband a murderer
- Quote after quote from ‘pointless’ protesters
- The Bush brothers

I expect this from Fox, but I’m talking about CNN and MSNBC! I understand why so many quotes over the past two weeks have come from the Schindler’s. They were doing all the talking; there wasn’t a camera crew they didn’t like. Michael, on the other hand, has done what he’s always done; kept this a private matter. He never appeared in front of cameras and rarely granted interviews. That’s fine, that’s his choice. B
ut would have it killed one, single report to question the Schlinder’s constant lying?
But what really tickles my ass is when I go to read details of Terri’s death and all I get are reports about the protesters.

“Schiavo’s death was met with sadness, anger, despair — and prayers — by supporters of her parents

“Since March 18, when Schiavo’s feeding tube was disconnected, a cadre of fervent demonstrators gathered outside Woodside Hospice to protest. Many slept in tents or sleeping bags, while others held signs and sang songs during their 13-day vigil.”

“Thursday morning, people burst into tears and threw down the signs they had been carrying as word spread that Schiavo had died.”

“You saw a murder happening,” said Dominique Hanks, who had ridden her motorized wheelchair around the hospice every day since the tube was removed.

“Everybody who denied her right to live are accomplices to murder, and God knows,” Hanks said.

Patrick Bautch of Milwaukee disgustedly tossed away a sign that said “President Bush, Please Help Terri.”

“He could have done something,” Bautch said. “He was supposed to be for life and he neglected his role. ... The value of human life has just gone down the drain.”

A few feet away, a small group burst into hymns, singing the traditional song, “How Great Thou Art,” as Richard Jacobson, of Corning, N.Y., accompanied them on a tarnished trumpet.

Jacobson, who has been playing religious and patriotic music outside the hospice for the past three days, said he didn’t really believe that Terri was dead.
“I’m not believing the report of man,” the bearded man said. “God will raise her from the dead, and all the world will see it.”

After the announcement, Mike Stafford, of Hollywood, Fla., stood before police — who had arrested more than 50 people trying to bring water to Schiavo — gave the Nazi salute and shouted “Heil Hitler.”

“It’s really sick what we’ve seen here,” Stafford said.

You would thing the media would be fighting over the facts for the case, getting a wide variety of opinions, but oh no. They were to busy clambering all over each other to get that next great sound bite from a protester or a shot of the next outrageous sign comparing Terri’s Husband to Hitler. But of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without those pesky Bush brothers.
From Fox News:
President Bush opened up a press conference saying he hoped Terri Schiavo's death would lead to a better appreciation for a "culture of life, where all Americans are valued and protected, especially those who live at the mercy of others."

George’s brother, Jeb said, "I remain convinced, however, that Terri's death is a window through which we can see the many issues left unresolved in our families and in our society. For that, we can be thankful for all that the life of Terri Schiavo has taught us," the governor said in a statement.

And of course we can’t go five minutes with the Vatican chiming in.
A Vatican cardinal denounced Schiavo's death, saying that "an attack against life is an attack against God, who is the author of life."

Just once, it would have been nice if one of the Bush brothers took Michael Schiavo up on his offer and actually came down and visited Terri…since this issue was so important to both of them.

Why couldn’t the media figure out that this case had nothing to do with George Bush, Jeb Bush, the Vatican and it absolutely had nothing to with the worthless protesters? Is this their reward for showing up at a protest; air time? At their peek, the protesters numbered in the one-hundreds. That’s pretty pathetic considering they were bussing them in.

A large majority of the citizens of this country DO NOT, let me say that again, DO NOT agree with the protesters. For these “pro-life” fanatics, Terri’s sad situation had nothing to do with Terri. For them, this was an opportunity to get on TV and promote their war; to create a divide between us and them. For these extremist, Terri was just the first battle in a war to get abortion banned, gays back into the closet, prayer back in school and the Ten Commandments on every piece of public property. For them, the government’s sole purpose is to regulate morality; what we wear, what we say, what we do.

If only these people cared this much about the life’s of the 1,500 U.S. soldiers who have died for George Bush’s faux war.


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