Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Republicans in pink do the craziest things

So a gay Republican, who just married his lover of 40 years is leading the charge against Hillary Clinton...does this make sense to anyone? I guess he's okay with Republicans pressing to federally ban his marriage because people like him are going to ruin the sanctity of marriage.

"Finkelstein told The New York Times last week that he had married his partner of 40 years in Massachusetts, saying he believes "visitation rights, health care benefits and other human relationship contracts that are taken for granted by all married people should be available to partners." The marriage took place in December.

Finkelstein is lining up donors to help raise $10 million for a "Stop Her Now" committee to defeat the senator's 2006 re-election effort. New York magazine first reported Finkelstein's "Stop Her Now" plan in February, and a GOP operative speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed the account to The Associated Press at the time."

Read article here!


Blogger Ma Tiny said...

Of the two options offered him by Bill Clinton, I hope it's the Machiavellian.

6:14 PM  

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