Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Rush Limbaugh, Blow Jobs and Al Gore


Rush Limbaugh-
"That's what they're doing now. They're out there getting oral sex all day long, that's what they're talking about. That's their point of view; they can't wait. Your boss Al (Gore), made sure that's became the number one sport in high school today. So I guess you're going to have a B.J. network out there, Al. Is that what you're going to do - oral sex channel out there that's going to start competing with MTV?"

Robio's interpretation: An over-weight, drug addict, three times divorced is obsessed with cock in mouth. What's wrong Rushy, did mamma Limbaugh not breast feed you enough?

Of course, my favorite part of his little rant is his obsession with Bill Clinton's blow job...and how he blames all the oral sex teens are having on Bill Clinton.

It would be silly to blame Bush Inc. Abstinence-only programs that not only misinform kids about sex (You get Aids from tears), but because it fails to properly educate kids about "safe sex" teenagers get the idea that performing oral sex or poking someone in the pooper is good, but sex (Insert penis into vagina), even protected sex, is baddddd!

In fact, let's look at an MSNBC survey. (Guess what, I don't Bill Clinton anywhere on the list)

SUMMARY TABLE: Reasons teens had oral sex for the first time
The other person wanted to
41% Major Reason
35% Minor Reason
23% Not a reason

You met the right person
47% Major Reason
24% Minor Reason
29% Not a reason

To satisfy a sexual desire
36% Major Reason
34% Minor Reason
30% Not a reason

You don't have to worry about pregnancy
40% Major Reason
28% Minor Reason
32% Not a reason

You were curious
35% Major Reason
29% Minor Reason
36% Not a reason

You are still a virgin if you have oral sex
24% Major Reason
25% Minor Reason
50% Not a reason

You wanted to avoid having sexual intercourse
20% Major Reason
20% Minor Reason
60% Not a reason

You don't think you can get STDs from oral sex
17% Major Reason
18% Minor Reason
65% Not a reason

You wanted to avoid being touched or undressed
7% Major Reason
17% Minor Reason
75% Not a reason
You wanted to be more popular and accepted
4% Major Reason
17% Minor Reason
79% Not a reason

- Four in 10 teens say they have had oral sex to avoid having sexual intercourse.
- Most 13 and 14 year olds who have had oral sex did so to avoid intercourse at least once.
- Boys and girls are equally likely to have opted for oral sex over intercourse.


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