Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Show Me The Money

Raise the minimum wage? Nah...poor fuck's get no love.

Congress needs a few extra grand? Fuck yeah, let's give ourselves a raise.

Your Rep in Congress just game himself a $3,100 "cost of living" increase ( 3.1 pay increase), bringing his yearly pay up to a sweet $165,200.

Let's see, a minimum wage worker would have to flip a lot of burgers for many hours, days, months and years to make $165,200 since Congress has refused to raise the minimum wage of $5.15 an hour for nine years now.

Republicans reason that if you raise the minimum wage, companies won't be able to afford to pay them, so then they'll fire them.

What a crock of shit. The companies that employ minimum wage workers are billion-dollar corps who I think can't spare a penny or two, especially since prices for such goods continue to go up, up and away - out of the price rage of the minimum wage workers who produce such product.

I guess the cost of living only goes up for Congressmen!



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