Monday, December 04, 2006

BCS Bullshit

Well, Florida cried and whinned their way into the BCS championship game against Ohio State and this really pisses me off. There is no doubt that Michigan is the 2nd best team in the country (for the record; I hate OSU, Michigan and Florida).

You see, Florida has been whinning about the fact that Michigan already had their chance and now it was their turn. Hypo-crites!

For those of you with a memory, you'll recall our beloved Gators won their only national title in 1996. They beat the Florida State Seminoles...a team they lost to in the final game of the regular season, by three, on the road!!

Sound familiar?

What's the difference? The Gators benefited from a conference championship game (basically, an extra game to turn on the voters).

Let's say a prayer; Dear God, please hand the Gators a ass-whopping unseen by any other, so the BCS will finally burn in hell like it deserves.



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