Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Last Throes Continue...

Iraq blast kills at least 54, injures 82
Suicide bomber detonates huge explosion in fuel tanker

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A suicide attacker detonated explosives strapped to his body Saturday at a gas station near a Shiite mosque south of Baghdad, triggering a huge explosion in a fuel tanker and killing at least 54 people, police said.

Eighty-two people were injured.

Police Capt. Muthanna Khaled Ali said the attack occurred in Musayyib, about 40 miles south of Baghdad....READ ON.

But like most people who support this war would's better they're blowing up "towelheads" over there; than us over here.

But like I'll always say; how many more people need to die for you to feel safe?


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