Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Only In Florida!

Teens accused of killing homeless man 'for fun'

HOLLY HILL, Florida (AP) -- Two Florida teenagers found a homeless man in the woods and beat and kicked him to death "to have something to do," according to Volusia County sheriff's investigators.

Christopher Scamahorn, 14, and Jeffery Spurgeon, 18, confessed to beating the 53-year-old victim with their fists and sticks and kicking him, sheriff's spokesman Brandon Haught said Sunday.

The pair were charged with murder Sunday. Spurgeon was being held without bail in Daytona Beach. Scamahorn taken to a juvenile jail.

The teens said they attacked the man "for fun" and "to have something to do," Haught said.

They went back to the woods three times after the initial attack to beat the man again, he said.
The victim was found Saturday, and the condition of the body indicated he had been dead for several days. An autopsy Sunday determined that the man died from blunt force trauma to the head and body, Haught said.

The victim's name has not been released.

"We're trying to find next of kin," Haught said Monday. "He apparently doesn't have any next of kin nearby."

Investigators said there may be more arrests.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Killing, only when Bush feels like it

George W. Bush says he will veto the House's new stem cell bill because you shouldn't take one live to save another...yet that's one of his justifications for the death penalty.

Read about it at The Slate!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Intolerance, USA - What a country!

Intolerance...it's a beautiful thing!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Its Must All Be Newsweek's fault

Oh the losers in D.C., trying to pin Muslims hatred for the ole U.S of A on Newsweek's one sentence about toilet friendly Koran's. If only their bullshit was the truth, but it's not.

Nice way to avoid the "crusade" references dumbass!

Heck who knew that Laura Bush could really bring the Muslims and Jews together...the only problem was they joined together to heckle the First lady.

Hell, they hate us in places where they're supposed to love us....like Bosnia.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Jane Fonda

Exactly what does Jane Fonda have to do to get these people to forgive her for what she did almost forty years ago? Hang herself from the tallest lamp post?

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. - The owner of two Kentucky theaters has refused to show the new
Jane Fond's film "Monster-in-Law" because of the activist role the actress took during the Vietnam War.

Ike Boutwell, who trained pilots during the Vietnam War, displayed pictures of Fonda clapping with a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft crew in 1972 outside the Elizabethtown Movie Palace to show his disapproval. The marquee outside Showtime Cinemas in nearby Radcliff reads: "No Jane Fonda movie in this theater." READ MORE AT YAHOO NEWS.

Of course this is the same jackass who refused to run Fahrenheit 9/11. You have to love when small town movie theatre owners get to decide what the public can see.

I'm surprised her didn't ban other recent hit films:
Mona Lisa Smile - A slut tries to ruin 50's America by perverting young girl's minds
Elf - Christmas is not about Jesus, it's about Santa Claus
Peter Pan - A grown man who refuses to grow up, prances around with little children

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Thank You Bush, For Making The World Safer

Let me be just be the first person to thanks Bush Inc. for this war. I truly miss those glorious days when Bushie got to play dress-up on the Lincoln Carrier and declare, "Mission Accomplished." Life was so much easier back then, but life is easy when you just make things up.

The truth - well, that's tougher; car bombs, suicide bombers, insurgents and it's looking like an all-out Civil War!!

Experts: Iraq verges on civil war

WASHINGTON -- An unchastened insurgency sowed devastation across Iraq Wednesday as experts here said the country is either on the verge of civil war or already in the middle of it.

In the course of the day: Four car bombs detonated in Baghdad; a man wearing explosives at an army recruitment center in Hawija, north of Baghdad, blew himself and many others up; a car bomb exploded in a marketplace in Tikrit, north of Baghdad; and the country's largest fertilizer plant was heavily damaged by a bomb in the usually quiet southern city of Basra. Meanwhile, U.S. Marines were winding up a remarkable pitched battle against surprisingly well-equipped and determined insurgents on Iraq's western border. Some 76 Iraqis were reported killed and more than 120 wounded in the one day of violence.

With security experts reporting that no major road in the country was safe to travel, some Iraq specialists speculated that the Sunni insurgency was effectively encircling the capital and trying to cut it off from the north, south and west, where there are entrenched Sunni communities. East of Baghdad is a mostly unpopulated desert bordering on Iran.

"It's just political rhetoric to say we are not in a civil war. We've been in a civil war for a long time," said Pat Lang, the former top Middle East intelligence official at the Pentagon.

Read the rest from Timothy M. Phelps at Newsday.com

WWII Denial

Can I expect WWII veterens to start spitting on Pat Buchanan? Doubtful.

WWII comments blasted

Was World War II worth it?

In the inflammatory world view of Pat Buchanan, the short answer is no. The war that stopped the Nazis' global campaign and the mechanistic extermination of European Jewry was actually not worth the effort.

The commentator yesterday offered equally provocative answers to other questions: Why destroy Hitler? And why venerate FDR and Churchill?On the radio and Internet, Buchanan framed his positions as amplification of remarks made over the weekend by President George W. Bush that the pact ending the war brought on a Stalinist domination that was "one of the greatest wrongs of history."

But Buchanan's comments on the Don Imus radio show and in an essay posted on the Web site of his organization, The American Cause, went much further. He suggested that because Germans voted Hitler in, they did not need to be liberated, and that Britain and France drew Germany into the wider conflict....read on here!

Common Sense Wins...finally

A Catholic-run AIDS prevention program is promoting you use of condoms!!

That's right, you heard it right. Catholics & Condoms...in the same sentence.

You see, the country of Honduras faces the fastest-growing AIDS epidemic in the Western Hemisphere. So what do the Catholic volunteers down there do? They promote condoms...oh yeah!

"It's a minor sin," says Wendy Guerra, head of "Program Open Door" in the sweaty city of San Pedro Sula. Hers is one of an army of Catholic-run AIDS prevention programs in tiny Honduras, home to some 60 percent of Central America's AIDS cases.

"As a Catholic charity we can't hand out condoms but we give advice about them and make sure people know where to get them," said Catherine O'Leary, a British nurse who runs the San Jose Hospice

Read article here now!

Bolton tortured his G.I. Joe Men as a Child

It looks like John Bolton is going to get to be the U.S. Rep for the United Nations...this is a bit silly. For crying out loud, what does one have to do not get voted in by the Republicans? Seriously...anything short of beating your mother or torturing animals (oh wait, Frist did that as a kid) can be overlooked?

Once again, let me be the first to say, World, I'm sorry.

From Yahoo News

Lugar Urges Bolton Nod Despite Behavior

WASHINGTON - The Republican chairman of a deeply divided Senate panel considering John R. Bolton's nomination to be U.N. ambassador said Thursday that Bolton should be confirmed despite sometimes objectionable or wrongheaded behavior.

"Secretary Bolton's actions were not always exemplary," Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said in remarks opening the panel's debate on the nomination...READ ON!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Bathroom Reading

It's going to be real interesting how the right wing commentators and blogs cover this story.

Afghan Protest Over Quran Turns Deadly

KABUL, Afghanistan - Shouting "Death to America," demonstrators angry over the alleged desecration of the Quran at Guantanamo Bay smashed car and shop windows and stoned a passing convoy of U.S. soldiers Wednesday in eastern Afghanistan. Police opened fire on the protesters, killing four and injuring at least 71.

The U.S. troops fired into the air before quickly leaving the area in Jalalabad, near the Pakistan border, provincial intelligence chief Sardar Shah told The Associated Press. It was the biggest outpouring of anti-American sentiment since the fall of the Taliban in 2001.

Mobs also attacked the Pakistani consulate along with the offices of two U.N. agencies and a Swedish relief organization. No foreigners were reported hurt and witnesses said police and government troops had restored order by early afternoon

This is where it gets interesting; not so much their anger, but how they found out about the U.S. tactics with the Quran.

The demonstrations began Tuesday, when protesters burned an effigy of President Bush over a report in Newsweek magazine that interrogators at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, placed Qurans on toilets to rattle suspects, and in at least one case "flushed a holy book down the toilet."

Of course, like every other time we do something stupid, our government denies, denies and oh yeah, denies.

In Washington, the State Department said the allegations of desecration were "certainly serious and it would be important to have them be looked into."

"Obviously, the destruction of any kind of holy book, whether it's a Bible or a Quran or any other document like that, is something that's reprehensible and not in keeping with U.S. policies and practices," State Department spokesman Tom Casey said.

The United States is holding about 520 people at Guantanamo Bay, many of them al-Qaida and Taliban suspects captured in Pakistan and Afghanistan following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in America.

We all know what this story should be about - This government's continued hypocricy. We yell out freedom, yet support regimes who don't live it. We scream out liberty, yet we contain hundreds if not thousands of people with any trial. We cry out against torture chambers, yet we not only continue to torture, we outsource to countries we condemn for that exact reason.

No matter what is going on, no matter how bad the enemy is, this country must always practice what it preaches!!

But of course this won't be what the right wing nutsacks will talk about. Instead they'll yell about the press and Newsweek for doing a story that will piss off Muslims around the world. For them, although the "right to bare arms" is an absolute, the "freedom of press," well, not so much.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Me vs. Jonah Goldberg

Time once again for me to debate a moron. Since I can't actually debate him in person, I can debate his opinion pieces!!!

Michael Jackson: Hollywood's man in the mirror
In one of my favorite episodes of the Simpsons, Troy McLure - famed Hollywood personality and star of such classics as "The Greatest Story Every Hula-ed" and "They Came to Burgle Carnegie Hall" - needs to get hitched in a sham marriage to Homer's sister-in-law in order to save his career. You see, Troy has a dark secret. When asked if it's that he's gay, McClure responds, "Gay? I wish! If I were gay they'd be no problem! No, what I have is a romantic abnormality, one so unbelievable that it must be hidden from the public at all cost."
I bring this up because a.) I still laugh at it, and b.) the prosecution has rested its case against Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson's perversions are as close as we have today to Troy McLure's situation. Of course, the key difference is that Troy's terrible secret seemed to involve tropical fish. That's funny. Jackson's more terrible and less secret perversion is that it involves little boys.

ROBIO: I officially will stop watching the Simpsons now, knowing this guy watches too. I'm kidding, I can't stop watching the Simpsons. Plus, this episode was funny.
A lot of eat-your-spinach media critics think it is unseemly for the press to pay attention to the Jackson trial. To them it's just another exploit of tabloid TV. I couldn't disagree more. First of all, this story would have been hot stuff even during the Golden Age of Murrow. After all, coverage of Fatty Arbuckle and Charlie Chaplin moved a lot of newspapers back in the day.
More important, this isn't like the childish coverage of the "runaway bride" - er, sorry - "flee-ancee" we've been subjected to. One can't help but suspect that the producers who pumped the story into a round-the-clock obsession were disappointed when it was discovered the woman hadn't been abducted but just got a case of cold feet. Still, since people who buy bridal magazines are a more valuable demographic than those who read The Economist, they seemed perfectly willing to run, and run, and run with the story.
No, the Jackson story is about a hugely rich and successful man using his money and influence to cover up years of sexual and psychological abuse of children. It's about the moral depravity Hollywood is willing to tolerate and enable. (Then again, tolerance and enabling are really the same thing.)
ROBIO: Please don't make me defend Michael Jackson, pleeeaaasssee! Okay, instead I'll depend the process. Here yet again, we have a moron deciding the innocence and guilt of a person before the tiral is even over. No only that, this ass-crack isn't even covering the trial. And then we see it, wait a second, this has nothing to do with Michael Jackson or little boys or Jesus Juice...this is about "the moral depravity (of) Hollywood". Damn, I should have saw that coming.
In many respects this is the perfect story to unite the entire country. O.J. Simpson's murder trial split the nation because Simpson's lawyers expertly manipulated the case into a fight about racial politics, rather than the obvious fact that Simpson murdered two people.
ROBIO: Agreed. That's what lawyers do. Damn those fuckers for doing their job.
The Terri Schiavo case wasn't purely a courtroom battle, but it certainly divided America along fascinating fault lines. The media desperately tried to portray it as a purely left-right conflict, but that analysis was too simplistic to account for the many splits on the right over the issue, or the presence of Ralph Nader and Jesse Jackson on the pro-life side.

ROBIO: Fault lines? The line of over 70% who wanted the fedding tube removed and Congress to butt out their business and the 30% who thought Tom DeLay should be making family decisions? By the way, nice pointless Schiavo drop in! You still can't let the woman die?
Meanwhile, Michael Jackson can have no defenders on left or right. He doesn't fit any normal categories. Like Troy McLure, he's not gay. Unlike O.J. Simpson, he's not even black anymore. Who was it who said, Where else but America can a poor black boy grow up to be a rich white woman?
ROBIO: Jackson doesn't deserve any "defenders on left or right?" A) Why is this a political issue at all? It's not. B) Gay has nothing to do with this. C) Being black has nothing to do with this. And nice little finish...let me guess you wrote this whole article just so you could use the line, "Where else but America can a poor black boy grow up to be a rich white woman?" It's kind of like me saying, Where else but America can a pathetic Jewish boy grow up to be a ignorant, white fuck?"
Indeed, even if you think the prosecution failed to make its case - which it may well have - it is almost impossible to be on Michael Jackson's side or on the side of those who've allowed him to live the disgusting lifestyle he has.
ROBIO: So let me get this straight. Even if Jackson is found innocent, he's wrong. He's bad. Got it!
At minimum, Michael Jackson's handlers knew he had a reputation for abusing children. Before that, they knew he behaved in ways with children that sane, normal, people do not. They saw how he surrounded himself with a giant playroom used to entice boys into his bed. Jackson's staff crafted elaborate electronic warning systems other safeguards to ensure that Jackson was not caught doing anything with children by people who might turn against him. What sort of person installs an electronic warning system for an accused pederast? What sort of person sees that system every day - or even every now and then - and does nothing? What sorts of parents send their kids to a rumored sex offender's house on the thin rationalization that he was never technically convicted of wrongdoing?

ROBIO: Hey, some people are simply not that smart. Not everyone can be a writer for townhall.com like you.
The Michael Jackson story is an extremely exaggerated microcosm of Hollywood's moral climate. Hollywood is ruled by a class of people who believe that money solves problems and that the worst sin in the world is to judge another person's behavior.
ROBIO: Here we go, back to the point. It's Hollywood's fault. It's funny, you can take that same sentence and replace it with Republicans and it fits even better. Let's try. "The Michael Jackson story is an extremely exaggerated microcosm of Republican's moral climate. Republicans are ruled by a class of people who believe that money solves problems and that the worst sin in the world is to keep the Ten Commandments off public property or gay marriage, or not cutting taxes for the wealthy, or changing ethic rules to prevent investigations...and on and on and on.
"Comedian" Bill Maher, for example, recently explained that he thought the charges were no big deal, even if true. After all, Jackson didn't rape anyone, he's merely accused of "servicing" young boys - and that's not nearly as bad as getting beaten up by schoolyard bullies. Wrong. In normal America, if kids beat up your kid, you demand a reckoning. If a middle-aged freak "services" your kid, you call a hearse.
ROBIO: Hey cock-fuck, you're quoting a comedian on his show, without the context of the joke. Nice going, loser. And how do you demand reckoning when your kid gets his ass beat? Knowing who you are, probably nothing because that other kid's dad would kick your ass.
Obviously, there are lots of people in the entertainment industry who are horrified by the allegations and behavior of Michael Jackson. But only in Hollywood could such a thing happen in the first place.
Only in Hollywood could such a thing happen? Really?
- Hey loser, you don't remember the BTK Killer? He was a fucking Christian!
- Maybe you forgot about all those Catholic priest fucking little boys? A lot of them who covered up those crimes are being promoted today in the church.
- I personally love it when politicians/pastors do the rapin'
- Man, these damn pastor's can't keep their hands off girls.
- And let's not forget those Bishops who like the young ones.
- And yes, Christians like the lil' boys too.
- Heck, there's whole web sites devoted to religious men who like to do the dirty.
What Michael did or didn't do has nothing to do with Hollywood. If he did these crimes then he's a sick fuck and only one person is to blame...Michael Jackson, no matter who you try to blame it on.

Nuclear Option Countdown

Republicans are ready to go Nuclear!!

According to the AP Wire, Bill Frist is ready to go nuclear on the filibuster. Despite the fact that President Bush has gotten 95% of his judges through Congress (208 out of 218), more than the past three Presidents, Frist is ready next week to change Senate rules to stop Democratic filibusters of the President's judicial nominations.

It's amazing how fucked up these people are. All a candidate has to do to get by a filibuster is get 60 votes (60 out of 100). I'm sorry, but if some judge can't get 60 votes, he doesn't belong. For crying out loud, in school 60% is failing.

It amazes me that they think they can ignore the fact that they kept 60 Clinton nominations from ever receiving a floor vote. Back then Democrats had a 55-person majority and did we eliminate 200 years of Senate rules just to get every single judge we wanted through? No.

But again, this isn't about these stupid little Federal judges. For Frist and company, this is about the Supreme Court. In their eyes they see two openings for the Supreme Court in the next three years. This is their only opportinuty to guarantee that two anti-aborition, pro-prayer-in-school type judges end up in those two spots.

Don't you think it's ironic that the two Supreme Court judges who everyone expects to retire are both Conservative judges, yet they refuse to step down right now even though it would be a perfect time to do so while everything in Washington is coming up red.

We need to let the Republicans do what they can to destroy themselves, so in 2006 they get their asses handed to them in the election and the Senate goes back to the Dems.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Cocksucker 101

Man, this guy is just a fucking cocksucker!

DeLay: To Serve Well is to Serve Humbly; Asks for Prayers for Congress on National Day of Prayer

WASHINGTON, May 5 /U.S. Newswire/ -- House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) today delivered remarks on the importance of humility in public service and asked for continued prayers for the U.S. Congress at the annual National Day of Prayer service. Below are excerpts from his remarks.

He needs to be praying for his career right now

"No man or woman of any faith or of no faith can truly love, truly serve, truly persevere, truly dare mighty deeds, truly hope for the future or truly honor the past, without a humble heart.

Humble heart? Don't you have a fucking plane to catch, paid for by someone else?

"So it is for humility, then, that, on behalf of the legislative branch -- both houses, both parties -- I ask for your prayers today. Because the only way we can serve well is to serve humbly, as servants both to God and our nation.

I have a feeling God ain't listening to you, bitch!

"For all the troubles in our world today, we can never forget that humanity has never before possessed a greater capacity for virtue than at this moment. With a richer, healthier, and more populous planet than at any time in history, mankind has never been blessed with a greater garden, nor with greater means of protecting it.

Let's go ask the people in places like Iraq, Africa and the people forced to live in mud huts how blessed they feel in a 'greater garden'.

"And while all these gifts carry with them unprecedented temptations toward pride, so do they carry unprecedented opportunities for humble service - here in Congress, across America, and around the world in the hearts of all people of all faiths.

The only bending down to your knees DeLay is doing is deep throating the Christian nutballs on the right.

"Here in Washington, the seat of the most powerful nation in history, these days pose unique challenges and offer unique opportunities. For however dangerous, these days we live are the envy of all times and men.


"Think of what we could accomplish if we checked our pride at the door, if collectively we all spent less time taking credit and more time deserving it. If we spent less time ducking responsibility and more time welcoming it. If we spent less time on our soapboxes and more time on our knees.

Accomplishing what, Tommy? Ripping up social security, forcing school prayer, giving even larger tax cuts to the wealthiest 1% like yourself. And why don't you be the first to spend less time ducking responsibility for your ethical violations, instead of changing House rules and having members who have helped pay for you defense fund to be put on the ethics team.

"No matter what your faith, no matter what your political persuasion, your prayers for our increased humility, for our ever-humbler service to God and neighbor are needed and wanted."

I'm praying right now, Tommy. I'm praying you get hit by a car, become brain dead and you're forced to stay on a feeding tube for forty years, drolling on yourself.

Sick of your day job?

Sick of your day job? Go back to college!

'Whore College' Offers Hands-On Training

SAN FRANCISCO - The 25 students in jeans and T-shirts could have been in any career that requires hustle. The classes, covering topics such as effective marketing, stress reduction and legal issues, could have been part of any professional development seminar.

But this was "Whore College," and any illusion it was just another corporate how-to for young go-getters abruptly ended at the sex toy display and was stripped away for good during a graphic demonstration that put a whole new twist on the concept of hands-on training.

"We are still illegal," instructor Kimberlee Cline said before her 20-minute demonstration. "If we want to be treated as business professionals, we need to act ethically within the industry."

Read on Yahoo News!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Al Gore did invent the internet...sort of

From Yahoo News

Gore to Get Lifetime Award for Internet

NEW YORK - Al Gore may have been lampooned for taking credit in the Internet's development, but organizers of the Webby Awards for online achievements don't find it funny at all.

In part to "set the record straight," they will give Gore a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet, said Tiffany Shlain, the awards' founder and chairwoman.

"It's just one of those instances someone did amazing work for three decades as congressman, senator and vice president and it got spun around into this political mess," Shlain said.
Vint Cerf, undisputedly one of the Internet's key inventors, will give Gore the award at a June 6 ceremony in New York.

"He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions," Cerf said.
Gore, who boasted in a CNN interview he "took the initiative in creating the Internet," was only 21 when the Internet was born out of a Pentagon project.

But after joining Congress eight years later, he promoted high-speed telecommunications for economic growth and supported funding increases for the then-fledging network, according to the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, which presents the annual awards.

He popularized the term "information superhighway" as vice president.

Rules are not meant to be broken...

...Unless of course they're rules you don't agree with.

That's the message I'm getting from ring-wing fuckheads that read conservative homo-denying Matt Drudge.

Mr. Drudge posted a link to a story from a Cape Coral newspaper about Kelly Smith, a mother who's daughter was returning from Iraq, who decided to put up 'Welcome Home' signs in the median strip, along with a bunch of yellow ribbons.

Well, guess what? Hanging signs onto public property is illegal in Cape Coral. "The city does not allow temporary or commercial signs in medians unless they are also advertising city-owned facilities, or providing road information, such as street signs or stop signs." So a 82-year-old code compliance officer came along and took it all down, as well as other signs for garage sales and such.

I was born and raised in Florida and I can tell you that there are a lot of old people down there. And when you have a lot of old people, you have a lot of RULES - A lot of STUPID RULES. You're not going to agree with them all, but they're there and they're going to enforce them.

Now as for this sign, mamma wasn't too happy.
"After my daughter is risking her life for our country, for me, for you, for code enforcement," Kelly Smith said. "I think it is a shame they are so shallow. What harm does it do?"

Listen sweetie, I appreciate what your daughter has done. But you live in Cape Coral for a reason. If you want to put signs up, put them all over your house. Hell, paint your freaking house yellow like a ribbon. But don't get pissy when someone is just doing their job.

Of course Matt Drudge had to get involved. God forbid he'd ever post anything about Tom DeLay or all the polls going against Bush and the Republicans...no, no, no. This is what he reports.

And what do hundreds of moronic Drudge readers do? They email Cape Coral and call them Un-American, Communists and Nazis. They rip into the code enforcer, an 82-year-old WWII vet.

Nice...how American of you!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Penny Saved is $100-million lost?

You know, I once lost a $20 bill...so I can understand what it's like to lose a buck or tow...or $1-million.

U.S. Can't Account for $100M Spent in Iraq

WASHINGTON - U.S. civilian authorities in Iraq cannot properly account for nearly $100 million that was supposed to have been spent on reconstruction projects in south-central Iraq, government investigators said Wednesday.

There are indications of fraud in the use of the $96.6 million, according to a report by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. A separate investigation of possible wrongdoing continues.

More than $7 million of the total is unaccounted for, the report said. An additional $89.4 million in payments do not have the required supporting documents.

The report accused civilian contract managers of "simply washing accounts" to try to make the books balance. Staffing shortages and the quick turnover of those responsible for the cash contributed to the problems, the report said.

Read the rest at Yahoo News!

The Grand Old Spending Party

It appears them Republicans are spending a little too much money. And to think, they just keep cutting those taxes for the rich. But I guess as long as there are gays out there to bash and abortion remains legal...none of these red state hicks who vote for Bush Inc. will care.

From the CATO Institute

President Bush has presided over the largest overall increase in inflation-adjusted federal spending since Lyndon B. Johnson.

After excluding spending on defense and homeland security, Bush is still the biggest-spending president in 30 years. His 2006 budget doesn’t cut enough spending to change his place in history, either.

Total government spending grew by 33 percent during Bush’s first term. The federal budget as a share of the economy grew from 18.5 percent of GDP on Clinton’s last day in office to 20.3 percent by the end of Bush’s first term.

The Republican Congress has enthusiastically assisted the budget bloat. Inflation-adjusted spending on the combined budgets of the 101 largest programs they vowed to eliminate in 1995 has grown by 27 percent.

The final nondefense budgets under Clinton were a combined $57 billion smaller than what he proposed from 1996 to 2001. Under Bush, Congress passed budgets that spent a total of $91 billion more than the president requested for domestic programs. Bush signed every one of those bills during his first term. Even if Congress passes Bush’s new budget exactly as proposed, not a single cabinet-level agency will be smaller than when Bush assumed office.

How many questions does it take to land in jail?

Appartantly, just one.

From The Daily Texan!

Oh Ann, oh Ann...you dirty whore of a woman.

Everyone's favorite Conservative bitch, Ann Coulter, was having a hard time at a recent Q&A at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum (Yes, that's a Democratic President). Once again, like most Annie events, hecklers heckeled and Anne threatened to leave.

The hecklers did manage to quiet down long enough for her to give her support for the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman on the basis that a good woman civilizes and inspires a man to strive for something better.

Huh? So the purpose of a woman is to make the man better? What is Annie, a Stepford Wife?

Anyhow, Ajai Rai, an English student followed up with this queston, "You say that you believe in the sanctity of marriage. How do you feel about marriages where the man does nothing but fuck his wife up the ass?"

I guess in Texas, you can't ask a question with the word "fuck" or "ass" or maybe it's the combination deal of "fuck" "wife" and "ass" or maybe it was the word "believe" or "say"? Who knows?

Either way, UT police arrested Mr. Rai, resulting in "a mass exodus of protesters chanting, "Let him go."

I'm sorry, but here you got Annie, a racist, anti-liberal, anti-gay, ring-wing bigot who is getting paid $30,000 to attend a Q&A and she can't answer the question? Sorry Annie, but this isn't a Bush town hall meeting, filled with only ignorant morons who are their to heap praise upon you instead of asking true, hard questions.

Come on Annie, you support everything anti-gay. You support anti-sodomy laws. Then it's a reasonable question to ask you if you support sodomy for a married male/female couple? Is it the sodomy that bothers you or is it the fact two men perform it?

If you can't answer the questions; if you can't back up your own beliefs...then return the 30-grand, bitch.
I don't know about you, but I got chills when I read this MSNBC headline.

Hilton: ‘I’m like an American princess’

Heiress has role in horror film

NEW YORK - For someone with a wilder-than-wild party girl history and a faker-than-fake reality TV show, Paris Hilton is surprisingly real.

In person, what you see — glammed up, glammed down, hair extensions in, hair extensions out — is what you get. She’s doesn’t hide her silly spoils and has perfected her paparazzi pout. The result? Ever-increasing fame for the omnipresent hotel heiress turned sex tape star and reality TV supernova.

Now Hilton, 24, is moving into acting. In “House of Wax,” opening Friday, Hilton does horror. She’ll later surface in “National Lampoon’s Pledge This!” and “Bottom’s Up.” But when it comes to her tabloid-tracked personal life, Hilton insists she’s become more interested in playing housewife than club hopper.

Other than the husband, two kids and white picket fence, Hilton seemingly has it all. And it’s all about Paris: a self-titled fragrance, self-titled nightclub chain, self-titled jewelry line. She’s also working on a self-titled boutique hotel chain, as-yet-untitled makeup and clothing lines and a more-than-likely mild CD.

During a recent interview, Hilton’s trendy SoHo hotel room had the frenzied atmosphere of a
children’s play area. A plate with scrambled egg remnants lingered on an end table. Makeup bags doubled as a throw pillows on the couch. Bottles of vitamins fought for space on a cluttered coffee table. Two smiley publicists leered from the bedroom while a makeup artist prepared his palette and a hairdresser prodded the top of Hilton’s head, installing her latest set of hair extensions.

With her infamous Chihuahua, Tinkerbell, half-awake in her lap, Hilton rested in the eye of the storm, unfazed by a barrage of silly questions and the yanking of her new locks. Other than refusing to utter Backstreet Boy and ex-beau Nick Carter’s name, Hilton purred freely about her sex tape, her falling out with “Simple Life” cohort Nicole Richie, her naughty “House of Wax” scenes and her death. Her most shocking revelation: Hilton wants a simpler life.

Read Paris' crappy interview here!